How To Properly Start The Downswing: Lead With The Hips

Once you have the upswing mastered, the downswing is the next part that you should perfect. With a good downswing, you can completely change the direction of your game and add more accuracy and distance to each shot. Knowing how to properly start the downswing will enable you to generate more force and improve your game.

One of the biggest elements to keep in mind when performing the downswing is the incremental movement or sequence. The sequence can vary from player to player, but having the right sequence of movements will ensure that you have consistency and power. You will need to make sure that this is adequately performed.

To help you understand the downswing and how you can improve your game while using it, we have identified a few steps to guide you. This article aims to help you better perform the downswing and to make some of these changes. Make sure to practice these tips at the range or in your at-home simulator before hitting the course. We will look at how you as a beginner can rapidly improve your game with it.

How To Properly Start The Downswing – Top 6 Tips

While some beginners might not want to focus on the detail, the devil is in the detail when it comes to correctly perform a downswing. Once you have mastered some of these basics, you will notice a few changes in your game. These downswing tips can be implemented for any club that you play with and should make a big difference.

1. Shifting The Weight To The Front Foot

One of the first important steps is making sure you have your weight and balance in the correct position. As you move up with your upswing, you will naturally slide your weight more on the back foot. However, when you reach the top, this is where the weight shift can take place. You will slightly move forward with your weight and the pressure on the front foot.

Not only will this help generate more speed through the swing, but you will also be able to have better balance.

2. Your Knees Should Follow Your Hips

One of the biggest mistakes we see many players make is not utilizing the hips. The hips are flexible and can generate plenty of power from the rear muscles. You should think of it as standing from the ground up, and your hips should turn before you can rotate the knees, which tends to make it much easier to drive through the swing.

3. Swing The Hips Before The Hands

You might notice that many people drag the golf club. By dragging the golf club, you are leading with your hands and will counteract the momentum often generated by swinging your hips forward. Rotating the hips first is a great way to start the sequence. With a good hip rotation, the natural movement of your body will turn forward. This means that your hands will follow suit with the club and ensure you have optimal momentum when connecting with the golf ball.

4. Tucking The Trail Elbow

One of the main methods of playing the shot is that you should consider tucking your trail elbow. The trail elbow should be close to your body to ensure that you don’t lose momentum by pushing it forward. Unfortunately, you will be leaning towards the Death Position, which throws you off balance. Tucking the trail elbow is the right way to ensure you can comfortably proceed with the swing movement.

5. The Lead Shoulder Should Be Kept Down

If your downswing is not comfortable, you might find yourself with a tendency to lift the lead shoulder to get the trail elbow underneath the lead elbow. While this could lead to a few good shots, your lead shoulder timing will never be consistent and affects the consistency of your shots. You must keep the chest and the lead shoulder down to have consistency when you come down with the swing.

6. Ensuring You Have The Right Weight Transfer

One thing you will often hear many professionals say is that you should have a fluid and correct transfer of weight from one foot to the other. The big problem with not shifting your weight is that you will not be driving through the shot. You find yourself reaching for the shot, and will not only affect consistency but power as well.

The correct way to play a good golf shot is to move the pressure to the back foot as you are swinging the club back. Before you reach the apex of a shot, you should already be transferring some of the weight to the front foot. This will build momentum and ensure that you can drive through the golf ball while you are playing.


What Part Of The Body Starts The Downswing?

Many players are unsure about the right part of the body that starts the downswing. Many beginners fail in this department by swinging their shoulders down first. However, the correct movement will begin from the lower body and the hips. Once the lower body weight transfer happens, your hands and arms will simply follow through with the movement.

What Triggers The Downswing To Start?

The downswing is often started when you reach the upper limit of your backswing. While you are not moving your feet, you can imagine stomping on a bug with your lead foot. It happens when the momentum shift takes place, and your hips start to turn. As mentioned, the hips will move through the swing, and the arms will follow to contact with the ball.


If you are struggling with consistency, you will need to understand how to properly start the downswing. Once you have mastered this, you can find that your shots are more consistent, and you have the correct power output. The technique can be used regardless of your club and almost any situation that requires you to play a shot.

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